Consultancy Services
Health & Safety Consultancy Services
Help to get you through prequalification's. This includes Prequal, SHE, Sitewise, Isnet, Totika and contractor agreements.
Site Inspections
Inspections of your site with a full report.
Safety Meetings
Safety meetings either on site or virtually, via Zoom, Teams, etc.
Policy Implementation
All policies come with an implementation checklist, but should you require a consultant to come out this service is available.
Fire Drills
Fire drill with report.
Incident Investigations
Incident investigations. For clients who have had an incident where they require advice as to reports, investigations, what does or does not require reporting, etc.
Service Plan
We can arrange a consultant to come out to your site to do inspections, meetings, emergency drills, etc on a regular basis as per your businesses requirements. For most clients with a fixed site, workshop, factory, etc, what we recommend is:
• 3 monthly safety meetings
• 6 monthly inspections
• 6 monthly fire drills (if required)
• Incident investigations
ISO Consultancy Services
ISO Training
Training (Teams/Zoom/Skype/Phone) with screen sharing. Includes Internal Auditor Instruction. Unlimited attendees.
Audit preparation for Accreditation
Includes document assessment, interviews, virtual site inspection, and an audit report. (Teams/Zoom/Skype/Phone)
And post-accreditation audit support to address any nonconformances the accreditation company find.
NOTE: eSafety DO NOT provide an ISO Certificate. We are not a JAS/ANZ company, as we are all consultants. You will need to contact an ISO Accreditation company following implementation of your eSafety manuals. Or contact us for recommendations.
ISO Consultancy
An ISO Lead Auditor can be a valuable service pre or post-accreditation audit to assist with addressing any nonconformances found by the auditor. Or they can be involved in completing your Internal Audits and attend your Management Review Meeting, providing guidance throughout, as required. Or for service plans like our H&S Service Plans above.
Site Visits
We have consultants available to visit your site.