Frequently Asked Questions

It will provide you with a current and compliant policy in accordance with the latest Health & Safety Act

You could be prosecuted under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015

Yes, the Act requires all employers to comply, irrespective of the size of your business. Also, many businesses will require you to have a policy to work on their sites

No, we are an independent company. Government Departments do not endorse private companies

The policies are built around the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 and the now discontinued ACC WSMP/WSD (Workplace Safety Management Practises/Workplace Safety Discount) requirements

We can send a Consultant to your site to assist you. This may incur additional costs & charges. Please email or phone us

Our head office is in Tauranga, but we are affiliated with other H&S providers who have consultants using our policies, nationwide

Yes. Our partners use the eSafety Premium manual for their larger clients who want a much greater level of support

We can customise a policy for any business. Order your policy and select the closest module. Once your order is complete, contact us and we can customise your policy for you